Headaches are a common problem for many people. These headaches can be recurring or one-time occurrences, and they can cause mild to severe head pain. Headaches might make it difficult to concentrate or even compel you to lie down in a dark room in hope of relief. Fortunately, the chiropractic experts at Innovative Chiropractic in Mill Creek can reduce your pain and help you get back to living your life in the majority of cases.
Frequent Triggers
Along with the various types of headaches, there are also numerous triggers that cause the pain. Stress, changes in blood sugar, food, high blood pressure, bright lights, caffeine, loud noises, chemical exposure, neck stiffness, or vertebral misalignments are the most prevalent causes of headaches. Neck tension, which commonly causes headaches, can be the result of incorrect posture, repetitive movements that affect the neck, as well as texting, and other physical occurrences.
Tips for Headache Prevention
Your best option is headache prevention, and a Mill Creek chiropractor can help with the majority of them. It is recommended that you change positions every 30 minutes to an hour. When you are in a fixed position all day, stretching your neck gently every 30 minutes is essential. You should avoid clenching your teeth at all costs. Many people are completely unaware that they are doing this, which is a typical source of headaches. It is recommended that you reduce your workload if you are having headaches after your workout. Maintain a routine that does not cause headaches. Drinking water during the day is also vital to stay hydrated, as dehydration is another frequent cause of headaches.
Get Help with Spinal Manipulation
Chiropractors utilize spinal manipulation to realign your spine and reduce stress on it. The cervical spine and your head are inextricably linked, and spinal problems have been associated with headaches. Chiropractic care has a proven track record in relieving neck tension, which leads to the rapid relief of some headaches. Although migraines are a less common and more complex type of headache, your chiropractor can still perform specialized techniques to alleviate symptoms.
If prescription medication isn’t working and you are looking for the possibility of permanent headache relief, please contact our chiropractic doctors at Innovative Chiropractic in Mill Creek today for a consultation.