Some numbness and tingling is normal in our lives. But if it lasts too long or doesn’t have an obvious cause, you need chiropractic help.
People of all ages can be affected by numbness and tingling conditions. Numbness and tingly may often be the result of underlying compression of the nerve roots as they exit the spine, due to spinal misalignments, or subluxations in chiropractic terms. When a nerve is pinched in other parts of the body, or, for a variety of medical reasons, blood flow is restricted to the affected area, these cause numbness and tingling. The pins and needles feeling we get when our foot falls asleep, or when we sleep on our arm, are normal.
A symptom of a serious underlying problem may be if the numbness and tingling occur often without an obvious explanation or lasts more than a few minutes. These underlying problems can include subluxations, nerve trauma, herniated disc, vitamin deficiencies, toxins and many more.
How Numbness and Tingling Can Be Helped with Chiropractic Care
By making specific and gentle adjustments to the spine, chiropractors are able to address a subluxation and bring relief to the nerve compression. Chiropractors may also relieve nerve pressure in other areas such as the wrist and elbow, by adjusting joints and other bones of the body. By doing a thorough analysis for subluxations and other abnormalities of the spine and other parts of the body, they are able to create a personal care plan designed to eliminate the underlying cause of numbness and tingling symptoms.
Your chiropractor may ease root causes of numbness and tingling by correcting subluxations through a scheduled care routine, as well as provide suggestions for avoiding them in the future.
If chronic numbness and tingling sensations are a concern for you, or perhaps you know someone who has this problem, call us at Innovative Chiropractic and schedule an appointment for yourself or them so that we, at can assess whether we can help.