Alleviate pain and boost recovery with Innovative Chiropractic’s massage therapy and chiropractic care in Mill Creek.
Chiropractic and massage therapy effectively combine to support patients on their wellness journey at Innovative Chiropractic in Mill Creek. Our massage therapists and chiropractors collaborate closely to maximize therapy effectiveness. Patients often report significantly better outcomes when receiving chiropractic care and massage therapy together, compared to receiving them separately.
Learn about the benefits of these two complementary therapies and how they synergize to enhance results for various conditions.
What is Mill Creek Chiropractic Care?
At Innovative Chiropractic, a chiropractic adjustment involves applying moderate pressure to realign the spine and other joints in the body, releasing restrictions. This treatment involves carefully controlled techniques that gently apply force. The goal is to enhance joint and nervous system function, mobility, and range of motion, while also minimizing discomfort and inflammation. The clinic treats conditions including back, shoulder, and neck pain, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines, sciatica, scoliosis, and injuries.
Why Massage Therapy?
Professional massage treatment at Innovative Chiropractic is more than just relaxation; it involves manipulating soft tissues, ligaments, muscles, and tendons with targeted pressure. The goal is to boost blood flow to specific body areas to support joint and fiber repair and restore flexibility. Our licensed massage therapists also help reduce stress and relieve pain and inflammation.
We effectively combine several massage treatments with chiropractic adjustments. These approaches relieve muscle tension and support injury recovery and chronic pain management.
Benefits of Pairing Chiropractic with Massage
These manipulative techniques share many goals. A massage therapist at Innovative Chiropractic focuses on soft tissue disorders, while our chiropractor addresses structural alignment. Together, they offer a suite of benefits for more effective results:
Improved Results: Chiropractic adjustments last longer when muscles and tendons relax through massage.
Pain Management: Regular combination treatment of chiropractic care and massage therapy is more effective for pain and inflammation management. Many patients find that monthly massages and chiropractic adjustments enhance their chances of success.
Pain Prevention: Massage and chiropractic care work together to prevent pain from returning. Massage relaxes and lengthens muscles, helping prevent joints from moving out of alignment.
Speedy Recovery: Addressing multiple causes of discomfort at once means injuries and conditions heal faster and more thoroughly.
Improved Circulation: Combining massage with chiropractic adjustments boosts blood flow and circulation, enhancing range of motion and flexibility in the muscles and joints.
Less Stress: Massage therapy reduces both physical and mental strain, promoting relaxation, improving sleep quality, and raising serotonin levels in the brain.
Patients often experience immediate symptom relief, increased flexibility, and a stronger immune system when combining chiropractic care with targeted massage therapy.
The Best Treatment Plan for You
Innovative Chiropractic Clinic in Mill Creek, WA, provides a wide array of massage and chiropractic services to treat various symptoms and levels of pain. To learn how our integrated approach can assist you, call our office today or use the online form to schedule your appointment.