Christmas is just around the corner!! With Christmas trees to buy and decorate, shopping to do, and no doubt some travel to see friends and family, here are some top tips from Innovative Chiropractic on taking care of your back this holiday season:
The Christmas Tree
Getting a Christmas tree is a lot of fun but keep your back in mind. You don’t want to be in excruciating pain for the rest of the holidays!
Carrying your tree
Start by facing the tree in the direction you wish it to be carried. Always lift with a straight, relaxed back. Make sure your knees are bent and your legs are at least hip width apart. Avoid twisting by keeping your head and shoulders directly above your waist and keeping the tree as close to you as possible.
How to load and unload
It’s difficult enough to load a weight into a car or van in the first place, so it’s even more crucial to utilize the best technique available. Before lifting, take a short stroll to loosen your muscles and joints especially if you’ve been sitting in the vehicle for a while. Lift the weight and place it on the bumper if possible before pushing it inside the vehicle with your back straight and knees bent. Always put lighter objects in first, pushing them to the rear, so that pushing or pulling them out when you get to your destination isn’t too difficult.
Get help with your decorating.
Christmas trees and ornaments can be quite heavy. Rather than getting into awkward stretching situations, use a stepladder and have someone assist you with the decorating. To safeguard your back, bend your knees and push your bottom out when carrying heavier things such as turkeys and Christmas trees.
Don’t carry too many shopping bags.
If you can, do your Christmas shopping in stages rather than all at once; carrying a lot of heavy bags puts a lot of strain on your back. Also, avoid walking unevenly! Putting your presents in a knapsack or distributing the shopping load evenly on both sides of the body will assist relieve pressure on the spine.
Have a wrapping station for your gifts.
Assemble all of your supplies so that everything is within easy reach. Sit at the kitchen table in a comfortable supportive chair or stand at the worktops to wrap instead of sitting on the floor and hunching over.
Schedule an appointment with Innovative Chiropractic today to help you feel your best for the holidays!