Do you wonder why you are suffering from back pain? There are times when you immediately know what has caused your back pain, such as moving heavy things, falling, an accident or working in the garden. At other times you are puzzled.
Here are some things that might be causing your pain.
Sitting Too Much
One of the worst things you can do to your back is to sit all day. Our muscle joints and discs become weakened by inactivity. In order to pump the vascular system to provide oxygen to the tissues movement is essential. If we are sitting all day, that does not happen.
Many of us have desk jobs or sit in a vehicle for long periods at a time. The problem is that most people sit slouched over, leaning forward, or leaning backwards which is harmful to their spine. Most of us think of sitting as a resting position, but actually almost twice the pressure is put on the lower back and spine by sitting compared to standing.
What Should You Do?
Every 15 to 30 minutes stand up and stretch out, move your shoulders around in a circular motion, and clasp your hands behind your back and stretch.
To help your posture put your chair in a position that will allow you to sit up straight while you work. Your feet need to be flat on the floor and the middle of the computer screen in line with your eyes.
A lumbar cushion, pillow or a rolled-up towel placed behind the small of your back will help your posture by helping you maintain the natural curve of your spine when you are sitting. If you have a lower back disc condition avoid recliners.
A third of each day is spent asleep in our bed and if we sleep with our neck or spine in the wrong position it can result in all sorts of back problems. If you wake up every morning with a sore back, it could be because your mattress is too firm or too soft. Your neck will flex unnaturally if your pillow is too high. The torque on our spine, when we twist and turn in our sleep, could cause the vertebrae to misalign.
What Should You Do?
Help keep the curve of your neck supported by using a cervical pillow. A fat round pillow between your arms and a flat pillow between your knees will help people who like to sleep on their side. If you prefer sleeping on your back, then a round pillow under your knees and small one under your lower back works best. Avoid sleeping on your stomach.
Give a too soft mattress more support by placing a sheet of plywood between the mattress and the bed base.
Laptop on Your Lap
Setting your laptop on your lap causes you to hunch over, putting strain on your neck to tuck your chin into your chest, and typing with your arms at an odd angle. This can result in numerous neck and back problems.
Because your monitor is immediately above your keyboard on your laptop, you are either looking down at the monitor or reaching up for the keyboard. This causes stress to your shoulders and neck muscles.
What Should You Do?
Use a laptop workstation where you can put the screen at eye level and then at elbow level add a separate keyboard and mouse. Your eyes should be level with the center of your screen when you sit up straight in your chair, and your elbows should be at a 90-degree angle when you type.
If you must have your laptop on your lap, use a portable laptop desk. Take note of its position and your posture.
Watch out for our next article where we will share more reasons behind your back pain.
If you want relief from your back, neck, or shoulder related pain, call us at Innovative Chiropractic and we’ll help you determine the treatment program that’s right for you.